our mission
Building long-term, life-changing relationships with urban youth, equipping them to thrive and contribute to their community.
our history
September 2020
Community Interest
Elevate USA team and Santa Ana leader, Ariel Meza met with City, School and Community stakeholders interested in bringing Elevate to Santa Ana.
December 2021
An Orange County Elevate board of directors was formed with Mr. David Flattum as board chair. The organization is formed as a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit corporation. Plans are made to raise startup funds and hire an Executive Director.
January 2022
Early Stages
The board hires Elevate Orange County Executive Director, Ariel Meza. Elevate Orange County submits MOU to Santa Ana Unified School District for Elevate curriculum accreditation to University of California Office of the President.
December 2022
Proposal for collaboration submitted to ACCESS schools and the Orange County Department of Education.
April 2023
ACCESS Schools Launch
MOU approved with ACCESS Schools to pilot Elevate Orange County program in Area 3 / Santa Ana and Garden Grove.
May 2023
Elevate Curriculum Approved
Santa Ana Unified approves Elevate Curriculum and subsequently approved by University California Office of the President. Hired and training commenced of two Teacher-Mentors to work with ACCESS students through school activities and community collaborations.
our history
September 2020
Community Interest
Elevate USA team and Santa Ana leader, Ariel Meza met with City, School and Community stakeholders interested in bringing Elevate to Santa Ana.
December 2021
An Orange County Elevate board of directors was formed with Mr. David Flattum as board chair. The organization is formed as a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit corporation. Plans are made to raise startup funds and hire an Executive Director.
January 2022
Early Stages
The board hires Elevate Orange County Executive Director, Ariel Meza. Elevate Orange County submits MOU to Santa Ana Unified School District for Elevate curriculum accreditation to University of California Office of the President.
December 2022
Proposal for collaboration submitted to ACCESS schools and the Orange County Department of Education.
April 2023
ACCESS Schools Launch
MOU approved with ACCESS Schools to pilot Elevate Orange County program in Area 3 / Santa Ana and Garden Grove.
May 2023
Elevate Curriculum Approved
Santa Ana Unified approves Elevate Curriculum and subsequently approved by University California Office of the President. Hired and training commenced of two Teacher-Mentors to work with ACCESS students through school activities and community collaborations.
help us reach more students
our staff

our board
- We believe that EVERY CHILD is of great worth and has the desire and potential to succeed.
- We believe that LONG-TERM, 24/7 RELATIONSHIPS with caring adults have proven positive outcomes in the lives of our urban youth.
- We believe that a HOLISTIC approach is essential for a strong and healthy future for our youth.
- We believe that FULL-TIME, SALARIED TEACHER-MENTORS WHO COME FROM SIMILAR BACKGROUNDS as the students can have a positive influence and make all the difference.
- We believe that the SERVANT LEADERSHIP, creating a culture of selflessness and service, is the foundation for leadership.
- We believe in the intrinsic DIGNITY of every person and act accordingly.
- We believe that COLLABORATION yields the best long-term results, acknowledging that the complex work in our urban centers cannot be done single handedly.